Immortal Treasure II

Immortal Treasure II is now available, featuring all-new items for Magnus, Slardar, Troll Warlord, Sven, Silencer, and Witch Doctor.

In addition to these items, each of these treasures you open also offers increasing odds of receiving a rare set of wings for Jakiro, a very rare Golden version of the Slardar or Witch Doctor items, or an ultra rare Ursa cub carrier. There’s even a cosmically rare chance you’ll discover a Divine Emblem.

All Battle Pass owners can find an Immortal Treasure II ready to unbox in the Armory, and you can earn more treasures by increasing your Battle Level. In the meantime, head over to the Battle Pass page for a preview of the new items and custom effects featured in the treasure.

by Dota Team via Dota 2

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