In-Game Interface Update

Today’s update focuses on improvements to the in-game interface with various modifications to the Shop layout and Hero Control Console. For a full list of changes, read our patch notes here.

Shop Interface
The in-game Shop interface has been reworked to restore the item grid to the right-side orientation with hero guides extending to the left, and popular items are now highlighted directly in the item grid. Popular items are dynamically created and updated based on the top items purchased by players with an MMR of 5,000 and higher. Additionally, all players have a row of global customizable pinned items under the grid that can be set to match personal item preferences for quicker access.

Hero Control Console
We’ve made adjustments to the Hero Control Console layout to accommodate several changes, including making hero attributes always visible and showing both the base and bonus values for damage, armor, and attributes by default. We’ve also increased the size of HP/Mana bars, increased the area for multi-unit selection, and introduced multi-unit icons that scale dynamically based on the initial number of units selected.

Hotkey Support
We’ve restored the option to activate the Learn Ability mode with a hotkey. In addition, hotkey support is now available for opening the Hero Talent Tree to select the left or right Talent branch.

by Dota Team via Dota 2

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